

Page history last edited by Rachael 14 years ago


Rachael Guy

Head of Learning Resources



I manage libraries and archives in a senior school. We have two campuses. Girls school at the top of the hill and the boys and mixed sixth form in the main town of Berkhamsted. I am fortunate to have a great team of professionals working across the departments  -  two assistant librarians, library assistant and an archives assistant. We all work across both campuses. This certainly keeps us fit.

6am  -  Alarm goes off and the day starts. Normal routine ensuring dog and cat are fed. Never get round to drinking my tea so my lovely partner makes me one and puts it in my thermos flask. Leave home at 6.45am. Partner will see to walking the dog and collecting eggs from chickens. When he is away on business it is a different story!


7.40  - Arrive at work, can be closer to 8am sometimes as all dependent on traffic.


8am  Open up the boys school library at 8am, updated the library calender, confirmed meetings for the day, scheduled other meetings and caught up on twitter whilst drinking my flask of tea


8.30am ensured all children were on way to registration and house time and then I attended sixth form house meeting. New role we initiated this year to assist in developing relationship with sixth form and staff. 


9am-collected post, the day's newspapers, picked up mugs, water and milk for refreshments later. Brief catch up with colleague before she went back up to girls school library and then half hour meeting with another colleague catching up on modern language resources purchased in France on a school trip -  some fab stuff. Discussed how we were going to elevate them in the modern langauge department and booked a meeting with Head of Modern Languages - this Wednesday. Assigned colleague to work on deleting  stock weeded out on Friday ensuring correct process followed. Library full of sixth form  on the whole worked well , only a couple of reminders on our expectations on work ethic and noise level. It has taken me four years to achieve this. Caught up on emails and forwarded emails to Library email regarding Internet Safety Initiative for another colleague to pick up tomorrow -  Monday her day off.


10.15-10.35am Break time -  children stream in -  circulation, enquiry and trouble shooting computer issues. Busy morning!


Preparation for afternoon meeting and arrangements for lunch.

12pm Early lunch today as meeting at 1pm with Governor and chair person for the Old Berkhamstedian Foundation, discussion on the development of the archives. Lovely food and good chat with staff. Back at 12.30pm for Colleague to go for her lunch. 


1.15pm - An hour and a half discussion on staffing, funding issues, new policies, handling of data including update on the way forward concerning management and long term preservation of digtal photos, video and audio, viewing of potential areas  in the school for relocating and merging archive collections. Discussed strategy and further actions with timescales and updates. Loads of work to do but a very exciting and challenging project.


3pm Caught up with colleague to check on behavior over the lunchtime period.  Colleague left for the day.

Caught up with colleague on telephone at girls library on her lunchtime book club and she updated me on a World War 1 fiction project which she is working on.


3.30pm Head of History called in to discuss the Year 9 Blitz research library project scheduled to start beginning of March.Called in to discuss the changes we made this year from the project evaluation form feedback and comments handed out at the end of all library projects. Also took on board pupils comments over type of task to complete  - grumblings on having to do a diary task for  three years running. Discussed the timetabling of library intro lessons and  further research lessons on both campuses. Agreed to rewrite the lower ability framework for the new research question, print off booklets and arrange resources to accommodate differentiation. Phoned colleague in girls library who is helping me to deliver the introductions and resources. Earmarked a date next week for further discussion on delivery and presentation. Need to discuss forms of delivery to accommodate different learning styles and understanding.

Cup of coffee and biscuit -  pupils off games and sixth form in  -  all working well, checked upper level too  -  no problems. Back to computer.  Checked, printed off and signed off school trip consent letters and photography consent forms for a sixth form reading event Off the Shelf scheduled for the 17th March, will giveout tomorrow morning. History class in working on  controlled assesment  -  books and computer resources.


4.15pm - end of school. Pupils enquiries and issues.Quick tidy up and then Young Enterprise Group meeting -  individual areas assigned to various people and then a 15 minute brief feeding back. Group working really well, myself and business advisor spoke to the MDs and discussed plans and work for next week group session. Before closing at 6pm highlighted work for tomorrow and ran updates and built indexes on LMS. Left work at 6.15pm


7.15pm  -  Arrived home. Lovely welcome from the family  -  dog, cat and man but not necessarily in that order. Quick catch up on the day and back to laptop whilst partner prepared tea.


9pm -  started writing this blog entry alongside watching the Mentalist. Completely wiped out by 9.45pm


9.45pm  - retired to bed and read -  planning a courtyard garden so looking up plants and themes for ideas. Bedside table perched high with books to read  -  soo much to read and so little time.

10pm  -  Put the dog to bed and let the cat out  -  freedom for him. Good night!




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