
The best job in the world

Page history last edited by Sim Taylor 14 years ago

How fortunate am I to work as a librarian at a fantastic land-based College of Further and Higher Education in rural East Devon, UK.

Actually today was not a work day as such but I spent a few hours on the computer at home to complete a few outstanding jobs.  I had an exciting email to tell me that Mal Peet, the brilliant children's author had been trying to contact me so I promptly telephoned him and he agreed to come and visit us in March as part of our World Book campaign.  This initiative was instigated by a student library volunteer at Bicton who took the trouble to write to Mal Peet and ask him to judge the student writing competition.  I am so excited.

Next I decided to check out the CILIP website for COFHE as I needed to catch up with the Bulletin there.  I hadn't looked at the Bulletin for ages and was disappointed to see that the size of it had declined to just 4 pages.  This got me sufficiently stimulated to write a piece for the next issue.  I will wait and see if it is published as it was intended to be a provative article to get others more active in sharing ideas and experiences.

Finally, I checked out the details of the John Campbell Trust as I would dearly like to visit a librarian colleague in Malawi and could do with some help with the finances for the trip.  The application needs to be in by this Friday so I will have to put my skates on.


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