Thought I'd give this Library Day in the Life thing a shot! My name is Ann Cameron and I'm the Librarian here at the Scottish Screen Archive (the national film and television archive for Scotland). If you want to find out more here's the website
So - what have I been up to this morning? (Apart from trying to figure out how to work this Wiki thing...) I have been showing our new volunteer, Alison, around. She's a library & information studies student looking to get some work experience, and we could really do with the help. She has been familiarising herself with our in-house catalogue, she wanted to get her head around Macs as she's used to using PCs. We use Filemaker Pro databases here in the Archive, and find they really work well as they're easy to use and customisable for a small outfit like ours. I'm now off to show her how to input data onto our stills database. We've got a lot of electronic stills from various films in our collection, Alison is going to record where they are so access and enquiries staff can find them easily.
It's after lunch now (and a bit of the chocolate log I made for Fiona's birthday!). Internet and email now back up, after a firewall issue earlier stopped access. I've been printing off some labels and numbering Hi-8 tape cassettes. They will be going out to the offsite master vaults for storage in optimum temperature and humidity controlled conditions. After this I will be quality controlling some tapes that I've been cataloguing from the Scottish Screen Collection . These have been deposited by and include a number of really interesting shorts made by young people.
Just discovered a very weird glitch on one Digibeta tape - a kind of 'juddering' effect that I don't think was intended (although you never know with some contemporary film-making!) Allan has kindly agreed to check the tape on his player, and then we can check against the DVD copy too. I'm now catching up on some email, one of which involves proposed amendments to the Scottish Screen Archive website and how best to incorporate the National Library log-on for remote access to services
And then a little time to check the cataloguing backlog ahead of a meeting tomorrow, we need to prioritise some material for an upcoming project.... never a dull moment eh!
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